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When researching for my topic, a lot of information about SeaWorld and pollution comes up that talks about what both do to harm the animals in the ocean. Pollution was the most common piece of information that came up in Google, which was interesting because it showed a lot about the trash that ends up in the oceans and how that harms the animals. The main conversation about the mistreatment of animals is that people are angry that it happens and they do recognize it, whether they do major things about it or not. What I mean is that some people take action about what they believe and others recognize the problem and take smaller actions that still make a difference. Interesting things I came across while researching were the different articles on SeaWorld and the dolphin trading in Japan, which both end up harming the animals. It was interesting to read about people on the inside of the problems as well as people who know about what these places are doing and have them speak out about the animals that are being mistreated. I found a lot of the information from Google and the videos came from YouTube. I still want to know more about how people can help the marine life. What are the small things that take just a short amount of time out of a person’s day to help take care of the animals in the oceans? I also want to learn more about what SeaWorld is doing to it’s animals and what kind of harm they are causing by taking the animals for their natural habitat and displaying them to the public.

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